Sunday, January 13, 2019

sugar for the pill

and life came 
crashing down on me 
the eye of the tiger 
like the eye of the storm 
was the place i was calm 
and all of your judgement
came over me 
and stepped on my throat 
when i was in the ditches, 
gasping for air 
and all of your love 
all of your kindness 
was just sugar for the pill
it sure made things 
easier to swallow 
because ill be your dog
I’ll be your child 
if it means getting crumbs 
from your table 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

im still surprised

sharp blue sky
wind whipping your hat off 
and your hair in your eyes
im still surprised
to have friends
to rant over coffee 
about the weather
about my mother
and the people 
that try to manage me
and the fact that my jeans 
have no front pockets. 

and your drawings 
& doodles are much cooler than mine 
it’s hard to draw a straight line
or even find a pen 
but im still surprised 
to have found a friend 

everyone cries on the steering wheel 
everyone squints when the sun hangs low
i turn my face to the sun and know
that while we still have 
roads to walk
& work to do 
maybe i laugh too fast 
and speak too soon
but it keeps getting better
and im still surprised 
to have found a friend

lay it on me now

the pain it pricks 
your smile, is kept 
in spite of me 
i keep my pace
i call you up 
to hear you speak

and i can take it
lay it on me now 
i can give you the list
of everything
that makes me tough
that makes me laugh
and sometimes cry