Wednesday, February 12, 2020

turquoise on sand

i see it
i see so many things
my changing sky
azure, peach, violet
all the same moment 
your soft profile 
your sharp, dark hair 
green eyes, send shivers
your skin reflection
settles on mine
my bird, my peach 
let me see 
your mind, how it moves
how bright it is 
like turquoise on sand 

it stings, but doesn’t ruin everything

blue water
i draw from a well
i expect to dry up
it keeps giving,
when i return
i turn within
& enough is there 
even a drop.

hello smile,
it’s been a while.
hello deep breath,
i thought you left me
along with sleep
and simple thoughts

can i have a conversation
about nothing 
about weather. 
tell me how you’re feeling.
stop worrying about me.
i don’t have words for these things.

in the morning,
i see the orange silence
the foggy highway
sleepy drivers
steam from coffee
empty stomach
in the morning, 
thoughts are simple
but i still remember
and it stings
but doesn’t ruin everything.

silver bones

small frame
silver bones
a little sad
mostly strong
it’s been a long time
right? or was it yesterday.
was it last night. 
did it happen?
maybe not.
my body, my head,
my sadness says yes
my anger says fuck
my happy says well
atleast the sun rises
atleast i can sleep
and dream deep at night.

viridian blue

the first wave 
was viridian blue
a beautiful hue
it crushed my spirit 
pressed against my face
a kiss i didn’t want.

they’re growing too

yellow thoughts
bright and new
slow thoughts
gray or green
dull in the morning
quiet and sweet.
groggy eyes, sore feet
you told me you need
more space to breathe.

i push you
or do i pull
i find direction, distraction
i need space too
i need to fling off restraints
eliminate factors
rest from the push, the pull
the dance of the other. 
does my distance
just make you worry.
let go my honey.
i let go too. retract my claws.
they grab when im hungry. 
trust me, im still a wolf.
a tiger, leave me to hunt. 
i push you, or i stop.
please get up. or sit down.
please take what you want

walk out the door,
wander the greenhouse
follow your hunger
you’ll find new pages
clear the fog, the haze
you own the day
you’ll find yourself,
in tact, at the center
still bright green, growing
green blue blends
red, blurring glaze
orange poppies
dark soil, 
brown as coffee
weeds gather, 
they are beautiful
they’re growing too.