ideas and trains of thought.
what is and what’s next and what may be.
what we did and what we’re doing.
tied up, headache and heartbeat.
try to wrap my head around, understand.
too much.
compress and condense. try to be steady. feeling and energy, it is pressure, white emotion.
yellow sparks of anger. where does the hurt come from. what lights the fire.
why does it just happen, when i don’t care. i don’t think. my emotions just speak.
and the more i speak the less i am heard.
too much
the lump, the haze
the fog, the cloud
a fist in my stomach
something i cannot say
but cannot swallow
it’s a prick
a sharp pain
when i cross that line.
where is it. i have no idea.
is it ten minutes, is it one minute.
did i cross it an hour ago.