Friday, June 29, 2018

we stayed up til morning

we stayed up til morning 
threw rocks in the water
talked about your brother 
and the choices he made
that fuck with your emotions 
I talked about my summer 
and how it didn’t go as planned 
how I’m still unraveling 
what I don’t understand 
you talked about your mother 
she’s a person from a movie 
The way she laughs, and talks 
and worries about her kids 
The way she’s so unassuming
but there’s a gleam in her eye 
when she feigns ignorance 
You talked about your lover
and the sadness he sinks into 
and how he acts his way through 
and how you climb out together
with laughter, and wigs, and a party jig
we stayed up all night
til the sky began to brighten 
it takes hours to enlighten
when you realize you’re friends 
i pulled open the blinds 
before i sank into the bed
to glimpse the sun coming up 
in all it’s glorious red 

Thursday, June 28, 2018


I saw you
I knew we would be friends
the way you walk
and talk
and laugh at the sun
I couldn’t pin you down
you bird in the wind
I cannot make you stay
a tiger untamed
you’re not lost,
you’re not on the run
like me, you walk fast
wherever you’re going
earthy and happy
clay on your hands,
the color of rust
food in your pockets
dancing in trust
music at midnight
you shake off the dust
your heart is full
a millionaire
with empty hands.

I see you,
I know we are friends
I don’t pretend to know
the depths that you swim

you’re not here to help me
you’re not here to need me
I’m not here to fix you
and get you to change

I will tread lightly
and accept this gift
I’m here for you, Libra
I’ll be close and distant
we both need to breathe
I’ll let you be
I’m happy to be
independent and me
but on your team
for the time being
short it may be
maybe a year
or just a few minutes
if it’s longer than planned
I’ll walk with you, friend

June 17

i apologize for not knowing

I woke up
with pain in my chest,
and words in my mind
I was found at the bottom
I did not know,
that I could get any lower
I was found at the point
where the sun does not shine
it is one place,
in the middle of the ocean
covered in water
I felt such fear- I don’t swim well
but there’s a place to stand
just under the surface
a place for my feet
such a relief
because I am afraid of drowning.
I tried to take my life
three times, but each time
you stopped me
I did not know
I could stay in this life
now I choose to live,
I know it’s right
to be a friend to the friendless
to stay alive for my sisters
for them, and for me
because I need a friend
and I need my sisters
to hold me up.

I did not know
there was pain this deep
I didn’t know
that I would lose the thing
that I gave my life for
that I would open up
to be seen, and known
and that my soul
is one too broken to be bear
that my reckless mind
is too wild to contain
in this religion
too restless to sit
in solemn services.
I am friendless
and worn thin from uncertainty
not a friend to myself
or sight to see
I am not special
or different
not better or worse
my pain is my own
and it is not much
compared to the people
that weigh heavy on my heart
I don’t want to fix them
I don’t want to be fixed
I just want to share
in the life we live.

I did not know
that everything ends
and that each day
is a place to begin
I did not think
I could start again
the clearest blue
the softest wind
a bright new way
the stuff behind me
is not held against me
but it shaped me,
broke me, made me who I am
and at this place
I will find a friend
I did not know- I could not even hope for it
and I apologize for not knowing.


your mind was broken 
somewhere, along the way 
maybe between 
the rising expectation
and your imminent failure
maybe you got torn 
when you stretched your arms 
trying to reach around the past 
and the future 
all at once 
maybe you got sick
on the speed boat 
maybe you got whiplash
when it screeched to a halt
or choked a bit 
when the water came too high 
when for the first time
it was all too much 

you pull me in
i am swept along for the ride
in the thick of the madness
the beautiful mess
shock factor of this
highest highs
and lowest lows
i cry with laughter
and then you devastate me. 
i know i can’t see
all the layers in there 
i just see the outside
roll my eyes at the drama 
and gasp at the heart attack 
shake hands with new characters 
that enter your act 
marvel at the heights you climb 
and the darkness you descent to
and still it’s all see through
i know you don’t mean to
i know you don’t know 
still we clap at the colors 
of your firework show 

no reason to rise

find the cracks 
that will give way 
with the, slightest pressing
poke holes in my fragile argument
put your fingers, in the holes in my side
it’s true- im dead, im crucified
but i am not a savior 
no reason to rise 
do you ever feel like you’re just losing? 
im not sure how, ive got nothing to lose 

June 3rd

im leaving here

it ran in small rivers
dripping off my elbows
staining my torn jeans shorts
within a nauseous bubble 
the world felt small 
yet i was crushed by the weight of it
i didn’t plan this out 
i didn’t want to be seen this way 
he held my ankles between his feet,
as i tried to move towards the cliff
you’re not going anywhere
yes i am 
I’m leaving here
please don’t make me stay

the emt was breathing hard
much more nervous than me
i didn’t feel the sting 
but felt the iv 
fluid like ice through my veins 

you’re not going anywhere 
yes i am 
please don’t make me stay


you know i don’t believe in ghosts 
remind me just what means the most 
speak like a thousand sunsets 
trusting the silence will settle my heart 

may 4th


You imprinted me
although im no longer 
dripping with ink 
you imprinted me
and gratefully, 
i hold onto the you 
that’s inside of me

May 3rd