Sunday, November 19, 2017


you were a loose cannon 
my little trainwreck
staying in the peripheral
at the edges of my life 
you move fast, 
and drink slow
looking for the right song
and none of them fit

remember that Friday? 
we rode in a helicopter 
i gasped at the view 
i could see beyond this 

remember my birthday? 
i cried at my party
happy and sad
at the same time 
i was looking for the right song
and none of them would fit

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

trouble with boys

Your trouble with boys 
hurts like white noise 
wash up on the concrete 
wake and rejoice 

Your trouble with boys
drowning you out 
blurring your colors 
to shadow and doubt

all your trouble with men
stings on the skin 
like a tattoo, begin
with beautiful sin 

i don’t know how to
step into view 
to sink or to swim
to reach out and touch you 

Your trouble with boys
it hurts like the sunrise
somebody’s sunset
somebody’s morning 

i used to know you 
i used to know how
to unearth a smile 
to see you somehow